Hello , I am Marty Godwin! I am the volunteer instructor of the tennis program at the Rehoboth Beach Boys & Girls Club. In 2010 I started a company, Mobile Preschool Tennis, to offer children the opportunity to learn the sport of tennis – specifically, children who wouldn’t ever have the opportunity to learn the sport. Mobile Preschool Tennis (MBT) offers tennis classes in your child’s preschool and aftercare facility, like the Boys & Girls Clubs. MPT teaches kids tennis one swing at a time. MPT does not use a tennis court and most often is held in the classroom, gym, or outdoor basketball court. MPT instructors bring portable nets, rackets and all equipment. These tennis classes show kids the fun of learning tennis while they are at school! Facilities that choose my program immediately expose their children to a lifetime sport of fun and healthy exercise! It’s been rewarding seeing children learn and look forward to learning tennis ! Many of whom would not otherwise have this special opportunity. The kids at the Club are just the kind of kids I like to work with. They love the stimulation, learning process, exposure and discipline involved with learning tennis. I often see kids in school and around town asking when their next class is, and the Club kids are no different. They are happy, eager to learn and most of all they have fun once you put the racquet into their hand.
Demaris has done a great job at the Club! The tennis program has been a learning ground children have looked forward to and learned skills for a lifetime! I have wanted to offer this opportunity not only for the state of Delaware but nationwide! I firmly believe we have developed a formula every Boys & Girls Club across the nation would benefit from.
United States Tennis Association (USTA) Professional of the Year 2008, 2015
