On July 18th, the Clarence Fraim Boys & Girls Club hosted team members from Panda Express for Panda Cares Day. Panda Cares, the philanthropic branch of Panda Express, is celebrating 20 years of Giving to the local communities. The Boys & Girls Clubs are a natural match for Panda Express since our missions align to serve the youth. At 20 Boys & Girls Clubs around the U.S., they hosted events club members and provided food and fun activities!
Club members got to eat some delicious food, make dessert fortune cookies, and meet Mr. Panda himself!

Mr. Panda was also on hand to deliver a $20,000 donation to the Clarence Fraim Club!

Throughout the year, Panda Express all over the state is generous to donate food to their local Clubs.
Thank you Panda Express for your continued partnership and generosity!