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Jyare Davis has been a Greater Newark Club kid since he was 5 years old and playing in ALL our basketball leagues. If anyone wants proof, there are hundreds of hours of video footage of his games thanks to his amazing Grandfather who still till this day never walks in our gym without a video camera! Jyare has always been a kind, caring kid and he has grown up into an amazingly talented teen who remains humble and grounded…… and who also hasn’t lost touch with his childhood friends or Club home.

Jy can often be found in season and out of season at home in our gym working out, getting shots up or talking with the younger members. His commitment to team and others has been made even stronger while at Sanford School where Jyare along with many of our other Club kids recently won the State Basketball Championship under the direction of long time Club supporters, Stan Waterman and Shahid-Esa Perkins!

This past month, Jyare was awarded the Gatorade Player of the Year for the state of Delaware! With this award came the honor of each state’s winner choosing a charity to donate $1,000 to…and Jyare chose our Club! We are already so proud of him and his accomplishments. When we reached out to thank him, he said “…..of course, I’m a Club Kid, it’s my Home!” A huge thank you to Jyare and his amazing family who have always supported him and our Club!



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