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Charles F. Gummey Jr.

Charlie served on the Board of Directors for 50 years, beginning in 1971. During this time, he assumed almost every leadership role with the organization, including Board Chair from 1980-1985. He led the board development, program, strategic planning, finance, and fundraising committees. Charlie set the standard for a Board member by leveraging relationships for valuable resources, volunteering countless hours during our annual holiday Tree Sale, and pushing to open Clubs to girls.

Charlie was an avid outdoorsman, gifted athlete, community advocate, trusted mentor and a dear friend to many. This Fund was established as a lasting tribute to Charlie, his years of dedicated service to Delaware’s youth, and his desire for every young person to have opportunities to achieve success, particularly teens.

The fund underwrites programs that support

high school graduation, college & career planning, workforce readiness, and character development to help prepare teens for Great Futures.

You can honor Charlie’s legacy and support the fund by giving online at and write in the Charles Gummey Youth Fund or call (302) 658-1870 to discuss giving arrangements.



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