The following outstanding Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware Club members and local Club Youth of the Year winners have advanced to the Delaware State Youth of the Year competition, taking place at the Queen Theater on Thursday, April 11, 2019.
In additional to meeting certain age and membership requirements, their selection was based on their strong academic standing, the quality of their Youth of the Year application and essays, their letters of recommendation, their service to others, and the contribution they have made to their Boys & Girls Club.

Tyler C. Western Sussex Boys & Girls Club – Seaford Mentor: Marcus Prattis Senior – Seaford Senior High School Anticipated Career Choice: Child Care Center Director Quote: “I appreciate the Boys & Girls Club for all that it has taught me, and I plan to pay it forward.”

Tair R.
Mentor: Marla Smith
Senior – First State Military Academy
Anticipated Career Choice: Hospitality Management
Quote: “Believe in the power of change, just as the Boys & Girls Club changed me.”

Ardavia L.
Mentor: Ciara Hooks
Senior – St. Elizabeth’s High School
Anticipated Career Choice: Law
Quote: “I want anyone who comes into contact with me to feel safe and supported, just how I feel at my Club.”

Jai’mere S.
Mentor: Christan Horsey
Junior – Laurel High School
Anticipated Career Choice: Olympian/Engineer
Quote: “I am beyond grateful for the experiences, life lessons, and ambitions that I have gained through the Boys & Girls Club.”

Tiffany G.
Mentor: Kerry Johnson
Senior – Brandywine High School
Anticipated Career Choice: Lawyer
Quote: “I will be forever indebted to the Boys & Girls Club for the priceless opportunities and relationships it has provided me.”

Justin W.
Mentor: Weslee Parker
Senior – Caesar Rodney High School
Anticipated Career Choice: Director/Screenwriter
Quote: “Without the (Boys & Girls Club) Youth Center, I wouldn’t have been pushed to be the best person I could be through their high expectations.”
These six Finalists, selected from more than 8,000 registered members of Boys & Girls Clubs across Delaware, will compete for the State Youth of the Year, on April 5-6, at the Boardwalk Plaza Hotel in Rehoboth Beach. The winner will be announced at the Youth of the Year, Thursday, April 11, at The Queen in Wilmington.To purchase your tickets CLICK HERE or visit bgclubs.org/YOY
For tickets or more information about the Youth of the Year program contact Cheryl Rice.
State Youth of the Year Finalists receive a number of awards, gifts, opportunities, and other benefits. In addition, the eventual State Youth of the Year winner receives more than $8,000 in scholarship funds and an automatic birth in the National Youth of the Year’s northeast regional competition this summer. Among other things, the regional winner receives an additional scholarship of $10,000 per year for up to four years and an automatic berth in the National Youth of the Year finals. Scholarship funds increase to $25,000 per year for up to four years for the National Youth of the Year winner. While the scholarship awards are significant, the relationships cultivated along the way often are even more valuable. Suffice to say, the true and lasting benefits for those earning Youth of the Year distinction reach far beyond the Youth of the Year competition itself.
Way to goTyler, Tair, Ardavia, Jai’mere, Tiffany, and Justin!