Join A Club
Club Benefits
Clubs provide a fun, safe, and constructive environment for kids and teens during out-of-school hours, including summer and after school.
A few of the many places we’ve seen key impacts in our members’ lives…
97% of Club teens expect to graduate from high school.
60% of Club members participating in educational programming see increased performance in the Delaware State Testing Program
More than 4,000 youth participate each day in physical activity for more than 30 minutes, helping to fight childhood obesity
Please contact the Club nearest you for more information on the programs and services offered. Check your local Clubs for specific hours of operation
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Commitment to Safety
We work every day to create a safe, fun environment where kids can learn and play under the guidance of caring, trained, trustworthy adult leaders.
Delaware’s young people deserve nothing less than our constant focus on their safety and our firm commitment to protect every child who is entrusted to our care.
Open Door Policy
The safety of young people at our Clubs is always our top priority. Our Clubs are fully-staffed with trained professionals, and our Club members receive constant supervision. Youth who are mentally and physically safe are better able to learn, grow, and thrive. Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware works continuously to enhance safety policies, practices, and training to ensure they are centered on youth’s needs. There is nothing more important to us than keeping children safe and protected.
All are welcome to come in and speak to our staff about membership. When our Clubs are open, members are free to come and go as they please. Please note, the Boys & Girls Clubs of Delaware does not assume any responsibility for members who choose to leave the Club facility

Resources for Parents
Parents and guardians, like you, are a vital part of our community. We have resources to guide you through the enrollment process.

Resources for Teens
Provide your teen with meaningful and inspirational experiences that ready them to chase their dreams.
Enroll Today >